[넥서스3] 구글 넥서스3 는 LG 에서 만든다...


Most of you have noticed by now that I stopped posting articles and there is a good reason for that. After two years of solid Android blogging, it is time for me to move on.

This week I began my new job as a product manager at NetShelter Technology Media. The name might be foreign to you, but NetShelter is the company responsible for serving our ads and they are a major reason we were able to grow this platform to the size that it reached.

I started this blog two years ago when there was just a single Android phone and only a handful of fan sites. From the moment I got my pre-ordered G1 in the mail, I recognized that Android was the future of mobile and I wanted to tell the world about it.

Fast forward to today and now there are thousands of Android devices available in every country and hundreds of blogs that report on them. Android became the leading smartphone platform and I accomplished everything I wanted to as a blogger.

Because I am leaving that does not mean Android and Me will fade away. In fact, I think the best is yet to come. I’m transferring complete control of the site to Clark and Angie, who have been working on a special project that will take Android and Me to the next level. Clark has already started to hire several new writers to keep up with the news and I hope you give them a warm welcome.

I’d like to thank everyone that contributed to the success of the site. I wish I could name every person, but I’m sure there would be some names I leave off (and I might get some people in trouble hah).

If you want to keep up with my journeys or get in touch with me, you can follow me on Twitter - @wimbet.

p.s. I know everyone loved my Android Insider rumor reports so I’ll leave you with one final tip. LG Nexus 3 with Tegra 3 by Christmas…


구글 안드로이드 폰 "넥서스3 는 LG 에서 만든다고 합니다.

위 원문은 맨 마지막줄만 보면 될듯 싶네요. 테그라3 로 크리스마스때 LG 넥서스3 로 출시를 한다고 되어 있군요. 구글 안드로이드폰인 넥서스 시리즈는 매번 스마트폰 제조업체를 바꿔가면서 출시를 하는군요.

그나마 삼성보다 LG 가 잔 버그 같은건 더 적지 않을까요?

어차피 제조업체서 독자적으로 만드는것도 아니고, 구글에서 요청하는데로 만들다보니 LG 스마트폰이 한단계 업그레드 되지 않을까 조심스럽게 예측해봅니다.


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